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The Library without wall

  • Category
    Spatial Design
  • SubCategory
    C-05 Public space
  • Applicant Company
    JHStudio, NYCU / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Peiying junior high school / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    JHStudio, NYCU / Taiwan
  • Designer
    Jen Hwang Ho / Cheng Chien Li / Chun Yu Huang

The design team of Pei Ying Junior High School renovation explores the problem and studies the typical campus prototype in order to optimize the past single-loaded corridors' monotony and no-change design, transfer the classroom's wall and corridors' parapet into double-loaded corridors opened to both sides. Consequently, outdoor open space can flow into the library along the stairs. achieve the goal of flowing and multiple landscape.

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