Sample Mt.
CategoryCommunication Design
SubCategoryPackaging design
College / University / CompanyTUNGHAI University / Taiwan
"Sample Mt." is a dessert that captures the diverse aspects of Taiwan's mountain landscapes. We've taken the natural elements found in Taiwan's five major mountain ranges and turned them into a series of desserts. Imagining ourselves as researchers, we've used a sampling concept to break down these landscapes into distinct pieces, extracting their natural essence. The Water Series focuses on innovative visual designs using various techniques, while the Soil Series introduces unique textural variations in the fillings to reflect the distinctive characteristics of each landscape. Moreover, we've carefully chosen local ingredients linked to these mountain ranges, using different "flavors" to encapsulate the memories of the land. This not only deepens the emotional connection to the land as one enjoys the dessert but also provides an opportunity to better appreciate the beauty of Taiwan's mountainous terrain.