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2023 Golden Pin Design Award and Golden Pin Concept Design Award


The secondary selections for the 2023 Golden Pin Design Award and Golden Pin Concept Design Award took place on September 12th at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei. This prestigious event featured a distinguished panel of 30 expert jurors, who meticulously evaluated thousands of entries to determine the deserving winners. 

Across the four categories of the Golden Pin Design Award, 552 entries from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Japan, Singapore, the United States, Malaysia, South Korea, Lithuania, and India stood out and were awarded the "Golden Pin Design Award" mark. These outstanding works will then advance to compete for the highest honors, the Best Design and Special Annual Awards, during the final selection on September 19th

For the Golden Pin Concept Design Award, 38 works were awarded as Mark Recipients, with 16 of them qualified to enter the final selection scheduled for September 20th. These finalists will have the opportunity to present their innovative ideas to the jury, vying for the title of "Best Concept" and a cash prize of NT$400,000. 

For the latest updates, please stay tuned to the official website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.



Golden Pin Design Award 2023 Design Mark Recipients (Final Selection Shortlist)

Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2023 Design Mark Recipients

Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2023 Final Selection Shortlist

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Shortlist for the 2023 Golden Pin Design Award & Golden Pin Concept Design Award Secondary Selection Revealed!
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The Design Mark Recipients of the 2023 Golden Pin Design Award and Golden Pin Concept Design Award have been announced!
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