Honeywell shuttle system
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryIndustrial equipment and tools
Applicant Companyhoneywell / China
Manufacturer / Business OwnerHoneywell Automation and Control Solutions (China) Co., Ltd. / China
Design CompanyHoneywell Automation and Control Solutions (China) Co., Ltd. / China
The 750 series is a new generation of Honeywell shuttles designed for the storage and retrieval of cartons and bins with high movement and turnover rates. The shuttle offers superior efficiency, compatibility, and scalability with its extremely compact design and intelligent control algorithms.
The modular assembly design enabled SHORTEST DEPLOYMENT TIME and SIMPLIFY REPAIR by interchangeable components. The unique load handling retrieval arms adapt to support a broad spectrum of loading units and dimensions and its high visibility status lights intuitively communicate shuttle status and actions. Its FLEXIBLE CONFIGURATION to accommodate diversified warehouse situations & goods SKUs (sizes, shapes) that enabled MAXIMIZED THROUGHOUT with higher load capacity and faster speed.
The 750 series shuttle car with its lightweight aluminum frame, balances complex functionality with design simplicity. Almost 20% lighter, the compact shuttle responds more nimbly, and its decision-making intelligence combined with highly adjustable arms can more densely store a wider variety of box & tote sizes.
Our shuttle reduces labor and operational costs in a tight, labor-intensive distribution industry. At the same time, it helps workers by relieving them of physically demanding and repetitive motion tasks. With Regenerative braking it even reduces overall energy consumption. The 750 series shuttle system is the heart of that faster, more scalable, and flexible solution, that is ideal for today automated warehouse.