CategorySpatial Design
Applicant CompanyC/T Design / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerPied Piper Design / Taiwan
Design CompanyC/T Design / Taiwan
When entering the “Sur-Realm”, please allow each step to create a unique visual and spacial experience.
“Sur-Realm” attempts to transcend the general understanding of architecture. The concept departed from the idea of paradox, challenging the known reality with statements of uncertainty and contradiction. The aim is to re-structure our understanding of the universe, hence stepping into the dimension of boundless imagination.
The Pied Piper transformed the singularity into visible existence and physicalized the colliding moment of different universes. The team regarded a brick as the fundamental unit of architecture, reversing the intuitive perception of a building that is assuredly solid and rigid, and thus the PVC inflatable bricks with translucent quality were designed to fulfil the purpose. The forming method of the exhibit also defied the norm of construction that two suspending walls in asymmetrical curves were built from top to bottom in the stretcher bond.
The art subtly reflects the surroundings and gently echoes the changing lights throughout the day. “Sur-Realm” invites viewers to roam into the pathway to sense the venerability of the space and to explore new perspectives through random cracks. The overlapping silhouettes of the two walls continue to create moments of novelty that are distinct from existing sensations.
The visualization of “Sur-Realm” transcends limitation and manifests the narrative that contradicts reality. The achievement celebrates the immeasurable quality of intelligence. Within the installation of ambiguity created by the Piped Piper, the space encourages viewers to explore all possibilities with an open mind and further synchronize oneself with the ever-changing current of the universe.