Hack Care: Tips and Tricks for a Dementia-Friendly Home
CategoryIntegration Design
Applicant CompanyLekker Architects Pte Ltd / Singapore
Manufacturer / Business OwnerLien Foundation / Singapore
Design CompanyLekker Architects, Lanzavecchia + Wai / Singapore
HACK CARE is a visual catalogue that aims to bridge the gap between high-level principles and accessible knowledge for creating dementia-friendly homes. It advocates for hacking as a means of addressing daily living challenges in the home environment. The publication breaks down clinical knowledge into simpler themes of Microworlds (physical environment) and Daily Rituals (types of engagement), using illustrated hacks and prototypes, including creative uses for IKEA objects, to demonstrate care principles in practical ways. It also highlights the human side of caregiving through stories and interviews with healthcare professionals and caregivers, offering a holistic perspective on dementia care. Aging at home is crucial for individuals with dementia, but homes are often ill-prepared, and family caregivers may lack the necessary knowledge. HACK CARE promotes problem-solving through ongoing adaptation and optimization to help individuals with dementia live at home with their families, preserving independence, well-being, and dignity. The publication repositions the idea of design not as a rarefied property that exists solely from professionals, but as creative problem-solving already practiced by many carers daily. In short: carers are designers. Despite being available as a free eBook, there was high demand for physical copies, leading to the printing of 3,500 copies to meet requests from Asia, Europe, and the USA. Family caregivers, both new and experienced, found the publication useful and inspiring, with some requesting copies to share with others in similar situations. Healthcare professionals and industry workers have also praised HACK CARE as a valuable supplementary resource for their research and work.