Spirit Tarot of Taiwan
CategoryCommunication Design
Applicant CompanyYeh and Yeh Co., Ltd. / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerYeh and Yeh Co., Ltd. / Taiwan
Design CompanyYeh and Yeh Co., Ltd. / Taiwan
A tarot deck and guidebook inspired by religions and spirits of Taiwan, and we have received great success at crowdfunding.
Taiwan’s culture and religion is featured of diversity and inclusiveness. We combine the knowledge of tarot and the study of folk religion, transforming the traditional culture through modern designs and illustrations.
Tarot cards, with their long history, serve as a universal language in the world. By incorporating cultural elements, Tarot users can enhance their interpretations and deepen their understanding of cultural connotations.
We can find our identity and learn our culture through folk religion, meanwhile, we acquaint with inner self through the tarot deck.
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