The Veil House
CategorySpatial Design
SubCategoryResidential space
Applicant CompanyPaperfarm Inc / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerMr. Yang / Taiwan
Design CompanyPaperfarm Inc / Taiwan
Situated near the historic “Taiwan-Renga”brick kiln from 1899 that prospered this working-class district in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, the Veil House revisits this history by weaving a modern, tapestry-like façade utilizing floating clay bricks.
In a district with very narrow streets, close proximity to neighbors, and a hyperactive social fabric, privacy is often compromised. To maintain boundaries, windows are often shaded throughout the day; outdoor spaces, such as balconies and terraces, are left largely unused. The Veil House challenges this public/private dynamic of compact urban living by creating a peaceful retreat that redefines the nature of this neighborhood’s typical house: a perforated brick façade liberates the need for window treatments and still allows filtered light into all the living spaces and bedrooms. The impetus for security and privacy reimagines the home as a body with a breathable, permeable skin. Like skin’s pores, perforation density is devised according to the functional needs behind the enclosures.
The entry, through an interior garden, helps quiet the transition from the bustling city streets and provides a deep threshold into the heart of the home. The residents circle around an open atrium to enter the main living areas.
Throughout the home’s interior, the reductive use of materials enhances the focus on the brick veil and the respite gained in the quiet, minimal interior. The desire to build a cozy, airy lifestyle behind an urban façade that successfully withdraws from the frenetic street life is the defining characteristic of the Veil House.