Tebet Eco Park
CategorySpatial Design
SubCategoryPublic space
Applicant CompanySIURA Studio / Singapore
Manufacturer / Business OwnerPT Awards Global Infinity / Singapore
Design CompanySIURA Studio / Singapore
Tebet Eco Park, located in the city of Jakarta, Indonesia is a public space revitalization project in promoting creativity, innovation, ecological design, sustainability, and societal progress. Jakarta city requires well-designed public spaces that cater to the diverse needs of its citizens, enabling them to connect and flourish as a unified community, transcending cultural, economic, and social barriers.
Previously plagued by numerous challenges, including being a garbage dumping ground, a polluted waterway prone to flooding, and disconnected park, Tebet Park underwent a remarkable transformation from problematic park become a vibrant park loved by the community.
This remarkable achievement serves as a shining example for future urban regeneration projects, inspiring other cities to replicate its success and embrace more resilient and impactful projects. Tebet Eco Park showcases the important of strategic design and forward-thinking vision, positively impacting the lives of local communities, ingeniously incorporates eco-friendly elements and practices into its fabric. By utilizing existing construction material, implementing effective canal re-naturalization and prioritizing the preservation of natural ecosystems, this park serves as a testament to the importance of environmental consciousness in urban development.
Tebet Eco Park stands as a resounding testament to the transformative power of thoughtful design and innovative solutions in rejuvenating urban spaces. With its accolades and remarkable achievements, this outstanding project has proven that blending creativity, human innovation, usability, sustainability, and societal success is both attainable and paramount in shaping a brighter future of Jakarta city.