Athita Hidden Court Chiang Saen Boutique Hotel
CategorySpatial Design
Applicant CompanyStudio Miti / Thailand
Manufacturer / Business OwnerMrs.Nanthakarn Limjarean / Thailand
Design CompanyStudio Miti / Thailand
Athita, The Hidden Court Chiang Saen Boutique hotel, was established by the concept of cultural conservation and development of Chiang Saen, an old city age 700 years where northern Thailand. The location is adjacent to Athi Ton Keao’s Temple, an abandoned temple, where the temple plaza is the old community center for a vital religious event.
Based on the concept of making harmony in the context of Chiang Saen vernacular architecture. The architects designed the layout by making buffer space between the old temple and the new hotel. The entire functions were arranged by L-shape. The buffer zone was created for betweenness space and revealing the beauty of the temple
Wood and brick were chosen as the main materials of the project for harmony with Chiang Saen context. The materials could be easy to find in this city. The knowledge of tectonic materials was pursued develop in many parts. Even though enclosure, open space, and betweenness space. The method of masonry at eye level to reduce the opacity of the bricks themselves and the flow make management of enclosure-opening of the area, which could make us remind to the houses in Chiang Saen.
The architects try to develop local wisdom along with local artisans who conceive of preference of chosen materials. Therefore, the architects could reassemble elements to satisfy form. The aim of the architects is for the user could realize the perception of humble Lanna architecture spirit by experience in the Athita.