Market Runway _ Yancheng First Public Retail Market Everyday Stories
CategoryIntegration Design
SubCategoryUrban planning
Applicant CompanyAtelier Let’s / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerEconomic Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government、TAIWAN DESIGN RESEARCH INSTITUTE. / Taiwan
Design CompanyHao Architects、Atelier Let’s、Path & Landforms、WEDO Lighting、3080s Local Style / Taiwan
The Yancheng First Public Retail Market, located adjacent to Kaohsiung's bustling "Da-Gou-Ding" market, has been a vital hub for the residents of Yancheng District since its construction after World War II. With a century-long history, the market has undergone various renovations, but its traditional wooden roof structure has often been hidden away, giving the impression of a dim and damp environment.
To address the issues of darkness and humidity and improve the overall environment, we have introduced skylights and ventilation systems. Additionally, we have creatively designed artistic lighting fixtures using reclaimed wood from the roof trusses. This not only illuminates the market but also showcases the architectural beauty of the wooden beams. Furthermore, to tackle the problem of tangled electrical wires in the old town area, we have installed wall-mounted light troughs that accommodate the excessive wires while adding a welcoming glow to the market entrance.
To ensure the market's sustainable operation and foster community engagement, we have intentionally preserved empty spaces amidst the bustling stalls. These areas are furnished with activity furniture, providing residents with daily gathering spots and hosting various community events. Moreover, the visual design of the market reimagines its brand image by highlighting the abstract representation of the wooden roof structure. We have also redesigned the market's signage and way finding system, serving as a communication bridge between the market and its visitors. The new logo and signs embody a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, allowing the Yancheng First Public Retail Market to continue its journey into the next century alongside our community.