Tokyo TDC1991-2023 Award Winning Book Design Exhibition
CategoryCommunication Design
SubCategoryGraphic design
College / University / CompanyNanjing University of the Arts / China
DesignerCao Da
As a companion to the TOKYO TDC BOOKDESIGN 1991-2023 exhibition, we designed 26 English letters, made 26 reading videos, and conducted the book exhibition on 26 steps, continuing TDC's focus on typeface design. The research process of the award-winning books is both step-by-step and sustainable, and we integrated the concepts of steps and cycles into the exhibition and exhibition catalog design. The catalog is divided into two units: the information unit of the award-winning books and the cover and inner page unit of the award-winning books. The text in the catalog continues the international characteristics of TDC and uses multilingual graphics and text to showcase the winners' information and introduce the works in step-by-step text boxes. Fixed text combinations express the work information and researchers' one-sentence understanding of the award-winning books. The layout of the book cover corresponds to the habit of screen reading. The inner page unit fills the entire page with the actual size of the book, presenting some parts of the book's pages and even fragments in a sensual rhythm to convey the visual language of each book to the reader. Similar to the current trend of rapid fragmented reading, we conducted such reading experiments in book layout.