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Triangler Sandwich Box-1 Triangler Sandwich Box-2 Triangler Sandwich Box-3 Triangler Sandwich Box-4 Triangler Sandwich Box-5

Triangler Sandwich Box

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
  • Applicant Company
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Triangler Co., Ltd. / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    Triangler Co., Ltd. / Taiwan

"Triangler Sandwich Box" mimics the shape of a sandwich with its right-angled triangle design, corresponding to the brand name pronounced the same as " Sandwich" in Chinese. The bite mark is inspired by the slogan “take a bite”. Desserts are specially placed in a radiating form, showing the shine of joy. The brand handbook is secretly transformed as a preservative, not only echoing its service brings freshness and creativity to customers, but also showcasing the brand's humorous personality.

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