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studio GLOW Functional Line-1 studio GLOW Functional Line-2 studio GLOW Functional Line-3 studio GLOW Functional Line-4 studio GLOW Functional Line-5

studio GLOW Functional Line

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
  • Applicant Company
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Molecure Pharmacy / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    Molecure Pharmacy / Taiwan

The packaging uses beige to create a calm and steady visual effect. Centered around the theme of "Medicine Signals," it employs silver, black, and beige tones to simulate the product's efficacy through imagery.

This symbolizes the complex processes of health supplement ingredients within the body, perfectly integrating design details with product functionality.

The front features a tactile recessed window, adding an element of curiosity and intrigue.

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