Bridge Cocoon
CategorySpatial Design
SubCategoryTemporary building
Applicant CompanyForest-Wood Archi-Tect. / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerForestry and Nature Conservation Agency, Taiwan Bamboo Society / Taiwan
Design CompanyForest-Wood Archi-Tect. / Taiwan
Kuo drew inspiration from nature, using bamboo to mimic a cocoon structure on a small bridge, providing a poetic resting spot by the lakeside. Innovating "Steam-Bending Bamboo" formed the arches, with treated fabric and bamboo paper for weather resistance, creating waterproof, translucent textures. Recycled fishing buoys allow airflow and layered binding. Sunlight casts dancing shadows onto, while night lights twinkle like fireflies. Walking across feels like a journey of emerging from a cocoon.