COOGHI Multifunctional trike
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryA-10 Vehicles and accessories
Applicant CompanyShenzhen COOGHI Funkids Technology Co., Ltd. / China
Manufacturer / Business OwnerShenzhen COOGHI Funkids Technology Co., Ltd. / China
Design CompanyShenzhen COOGHI Funkids Technology Co., Ltd. / China
DesignerZhang Jun , Pang Sihui , Ou Shisui , Zhou Xiaobin & Yang Zhengfan
This multifunctional tricycle integrates the functions of a stroller, training trike, and balance bike so that it has a wider range of usage and accompanies the whole process of children's growth. It is suitable for toddlers. The adjustable two-way rear wheel can be combined into a widened single wheel and used as a balance bike. The product also includes a detachable push rod, which can be used as a stroller after installation. This single product can meet all the needs of young children and ma