A Brand New Non-Colour Plan —— Super Dense Deep Clean Toothbrush (*Package design as a whole)
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryA-09 Bathroom & Cleaning supplies
Applicant CompanyAaron Nieh Workshop / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerSHALLOP INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. / Taiwan
Design CompanyAaron Nieh Workshop / Shallop / Taiwan
DesignerAaron Nieh
Since the market for toothbrushes in Taiwan stays the status quo in favour of overcolour and exaggeratedly shaped products. Shallop co- branded Aaron Nieh aims to offer a new facade a toothbrush design can reach, in the way of simplifying the figure, colour and package to break the conservative outdated aesthetic type and gender stereotype, through Shallop's properties of high market coverage and product R&D. The project meaningfully translates signifier into signified for a daily commodity.