Postcard 44 Thai Alphabets
申請公司Ankul Design Object Co., Ltd. / 泰國
廠商/業主Ankul Design Object Co., Ltd. / 泰國
設計公司Ankul Design Object Co., Ltd. / 泰國
There are 44 Thai alphabets and sometime is hard to memorize them all. Many people have trouble remembering them all in the correct order since some characters were never used until we have forgotten. So it becomes a project that help people to remember some forgotten characters and some difficult consonants through visual memory! All 44 Thai characters are designed to be able to tell the meaning that behind in each alphabets, by designing them in the same font as the alphabets. In addition to help people to improve and solve the memorized problem but also conveys the beauty of Thai characters. Therefore, we present this work of designing all 44 characters through a postcard format. It can also be a card game to be a learning tool for both Thai children and foreigners who have to learn Thai language and also open an imagination or inspiration to children and adults. Since Thai alphabets can enter a bunch of imaginations and creative ideas into them. All the alphabets are designed by pulling out each meaning behind them by using the colours and clearly images to make them more outstanding, fun and easy to learn. One of the identity of Thailand is Thai language since they were created for hundreds of year. We would like to promote and educate this beautiful culture to be recognised both of Thai children and foreigners in a modern way by still maintaining the core value.