Ginmokusei (Residence for elderly with supportive services )
申請公司SILVER WOOD Co., Ltd. / 日本
廠商/業主SILVER WOOD Co., Ltd. / 日本
設計公司SILVER WOOD Co., Ltd. / 日本
As a structural frame manufacturer, we received orders for construction of elderly facilities. Aiming to create a place where we would want to live ourselves, we opened the first Ginmokusei in 2011. By utilizing our steel panel construction method, we were able to keep costs down without compromising quality. Now, we operate 10 residences for elderly with supportive services.
(1) “Home”, not a facility
Rather than traditional elderly facilities where residents’ lives are restricted, we wanted to create a “home” where people would want to live and can live freely. The building’s entrance door is not locked, and residents are free to go out for walks, shopping, etc. The floors are made of cypress flooring. Dishes are ceramic, not plastic. The garden is filled with plants. The size of the house creates interaction among residents and a comfortable sense of security.
(2) Value the resident's will and support for independence.
Rather than doing everything for the residents, our staff supports the residents to be able to do things on his/her own. Residents live here with roles and jobs. We respect their wishes until their final days, and provide end-of-life care in cooperation with home medical care, allowing residents to continue living here until they reach a natural end.
(3) Interaction with the local community
The common areas of Ginmokusei are open to locals during the day. At the entrance, there is a candy store where our residents serve as store keepers. Local children gather here after school to buy candies. They would come inside to play with their friends, do homework, and spend time freely. We started to offer meals, so that adults can spend time here too. Occasionally, festivals are held and our residents play an active role in entertaining children.