Clear Ice Embosser
申請公司Stamptitude / 香港
廠商/業主Stamptitude / 香港
設計公司Stamptitude / 香港
The Clear Ice Embosser is a customizable embossing plate by Stamptitude®, made using solid lead-free brass. It sits at the forefront of the bar and requires no additional equipment, you simply place your clear ice cube onto the engraved areas of the plate and through a natural process of heat transfer your logo will be magically embossed onto the ice. The embosser is a tabletop version of our popular Ice Stamp, which is used in hotel bars around the world. With our Clear Ice Embosser, you needn't worry about an untidy work surface. Our purpose-built collection tray is milled out of aerospace-grade Aluminum which is capable of storing the liquid extract from multiple ice pressings.