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Wing Heong Dragon’s Delight

  • 參賽類別
  • 參賽組別
  • 申請公司
    Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
  • 廠商/業主
    Wing Heong / 馬來西亞
  • 設計公司
    Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞

Wing Heong is one of Malaysia's foremost purveyors of bakkwa (肉干). For their Lunar New Year limited edition gift set, we designed a bespoke box packaging that is fitting for the illustrious year of the dragon. Featuring a paper dragon that measure almost a meter long, it has vacuum-packed bakkwa slotted into each ‘slice’ of it’s body. Inspired by bellows that fan flames, the paper dragon’s body is stretchable to reveal its majestic stature and animatic gesture.

golden pin design award logo 金點會員