參賽組別A-15 工業設備及工具
申請公司Unilumin Group Co., Ltd. / 中國
廠商/業主Unilumin Group Co., Ltd. / 中國
設計公司Unilumin Group Co., Ltd. / 中國
設計師Mo Erbin, Tu Jian, Lei Song, Yi Xingfa, Jiang Mengxia
UHPⅢ is a basic component of giant seamless LED video wall. The pitch of LED dots on it can be narrowed to amazing 0.6 mm and the flatness tolerance can be controlled under 0.05 mm.
Being covered with optical film, UHPⅢ has good performance in display and LED dots can be free from physical damage.
With distinctive geometric design, a visual effect of infinite extension can be made when numerous UHPⅢ are assembled together, forming a kind of attractive aesthetics.