Origami Shikki
申請公司Paper Parade inc. / 日本
廠商/業主Origami Shikki Project , YAMADEN SEISHI CO.,LTD. / 日本
設計公司Paper Parade inc. / 日本
Origami Shikki is a sustainable lacquerware (paper plate) made of washi designed based on the concept of fusion of three Japanese traditions: origami, a traditional technique; urushi lacquer, a traditional craft; and washi paper, a traditional material. We looked at Japanese traditions from a new angle and fused them together, thinking about sustainability.
Washi industry is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain its existing production system due to the slump in sales of washi products. Since some traditional techniques are inherited only by one factory, the loss of one washi factory could result in the loss of the technique itself.
Origami Shikki is a project created through co-creation with washi production centers. Through our designs, we will communicate the functionality and attractiveness of washi, and pass on the traditional techniques to future generations.
We applied the mathematical techniques of origami to create the unique geometric designs of Origami Shikki, folding it from a single sheet of paper. The origami technique makes it structurally robust.The Hikkake Pattern on its surface is mysterious, changing depending on the angle from which light hits it. This is created by a traditional technique called Hikkake Washi, which is made in the Echizen area.
Through many trials, we have combined washi paper, which is easy to process but weak to water and easily torn, and urushi lacquer, which is robust but difficult to process because its coating is easily cracked. We then developed our own methods and processes, and invented the innovative techniques of washable washi and foldable urushi.
Origami Shikki pursues sustainability by reusing washi paper that would be discarded due to the lack of patterns or other defects in the manufacturing process.