Real Type, Fake Medium
CategoryCommunication Design
Applicant CompanyAaron Nieh Workshop / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerBureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government / Taiwan
Design CompanyAaron Nieh Workshop / Taiwan
"Real Type, Fake Medium" is one of the exhibitions at the 2022 Taiwan Design Expo, titled "Power of Taiwan Design." This exhibition deliberately dismantles and displaces the static relationship between content and its medium, with the intention of introducing a new understanding, reflection, and imagination to the viewer's conventional experience. The exhibition extracts visual symbols from brand identity systems and iconic designs by Aaron Nieh Workshop, reinterpreting their form through unconventional media formats and distorted scales in three typefaces: AA Grotesk, AA Airy Sans for Chinese typeface, Mandarin typefaces of Taipei Performing Arts Center. The work is presented in condensed portions, expressing itself through delicately crafted elegance, ill-fitting media, misplaced texts, fractured experiences, and pretentious design.
Seven installations are displayed in this exhibition space, including: signs and scrolling marquee serving alternative purposes, a soft fabric that functions as a pit stop for negative energy, floor indicator signage that appears functional but is misplaced, a brick composed of encyclopedia spines and edges, oil cans indiscriminately printed upon as paper, a curated display of classic symbols designed by Aaron Nieh Workshop manifested as 48 cigarette packs titled "Real Type."
"Real Type, Fake Medium" is a mini assembly of delectable documents from the cloud, an unruly experiment which separates the spirit from the flesh, as well as a live specimen of the custom typefaces designed by Aaron Nieh Workshop in recent years, and a game of form reconstructed for Taiwan Design Expo, Kaohsiung.