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Metropolis Mirage-1 Metropolis Mirage-2 Metropolis Mirage-3 Metropolis Mirage-4 Metropolis Mirage-5 Metropolis Mirage-6 Metropolis Mirage-7 Metropolis Mirage-8 Metropolis Mirage-9 Metropolis Mirage-10

Metropolis Mirage

  • Category
    Spatial Design
  • SubCategory
    C-02 Office space
  • Applicant Company
    Atelier S.U.P.E.R.B. / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    PAUIAN ARCHILAND | United Daily News Group / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    Atelier S.U.P.E.R.B. / Taiwan
  • Designer
    Eric Yu & Ming-Ching Hsu

This property display center is located in one of the bare units inside the actual apartment for sale. We aim to evoke buyers' "sense of presence" upon their visit, hoping to associate their spatial experience of their future home, by projections of their own imagination. The service system of the building is deliberately obscured and yet remains visible. In this concrete urban jungle, we submerge in our wildest mirage to be in an oasis, eager for a breath of fresh air.

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