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Chiritori X Houki 2.0-1 Chiritori X Houki 2.0-2 Chiritori X Houki 2.0-3 Chiritori X Houki 2.0-4 Chiritori X Houki 2.0-5

Chiritori X Houki 2.0

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
  • Applicant Company
    Chi Design / Japan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Chi Design, nanbuhouki, Yamanaka Urushi, BUAISOU / Japan
  • Design Company
    Chi Design / Japan

"Chiritori x Houki 2.0" is a set comprising an essential broom and dustpan duo. Using them not only enhances the user's cleaning posture but also ensures they blend seamlessly into home decor, avoiding the usual stark appearance associated with cleaning tools. Instead, these items transform from mundane cleaning tools into elements that beautify the domestic living space, integrating harmoniously into the home environment.

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