Ha-Ha Non-Stick 28cm Deep Frying Pan 2.0_TICERA® Series
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryKitchen & Tableware
Applicant CompanyWOKY WANG CO., LTD. / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerWOKY WANG CO., LTD. / Taiwan
Design CompanyWOKY WANG CO., LTD. / Taiwan
Crafted with the meticulous and earnest spirit of Taiwan,"safe and durable Ha-Ha Non-Stick Pan2.0".
The exclusive TICERA® coating, making it durable and a long-lasting.SGS approved free from PFOA, PFOS.
In Taiwan, "hard-anodizing" has become a mature manufacturing process after decades of iteration. "Safety" is the key reason why WOKY insists on.Which can completely isolates food from the pan's metal and strengthens the coating bond, enhancing durability. Invisible but crafted with care.
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