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Louver Flat

  • Category
    Spatial Design
  • SubCategory
    C-01 Residential space
  • Applicant Company
    Phoebe Says Wow Architects / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Private House / Taiwan
  • Design Company
  • Designer
    Phoebe Wen , Shihhwa Hung , Ting-Ju Chen & Yi-Xuan Dung

Within a newly developed area of Taipei City, ever more concrete jungles are created in the neighborhood. Residential towers built right next to each other lead to certain discomfort for flat owners. We aimed to bring craftsmanship and carefully executed interventions to tackle this issue for an airy and refreshing atmosphere with desired natural lighting quality and improvement of ventilation as well as optimized layout of private and shared spaces for the family members.

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