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Æ-LAB Ti-6Al-4V corkscrew-1 Æ-LAB Ti-6Al-4V corkscrew-2 Æ-LAB Ti-6Al-4V corkscrew-3 Æ-LAB Ti-6Al-4V corkscrew-4 Æ-LAB Ti-6Al-4V corkscrew-5

Æ-LAB Ti-6Al-4V corkscrew

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    B-03 Packaging
  • Applicant Company / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner / Taiwan
  • Design Company / Taiwan
  • Designer
    Sung-Ling Ling

The packaging box resonates with the corkscrew’s design and is shaped as a space capsule; when opened, it lifts the corkscrew up synchronously, referencing the idea of zero gravity. The product is intentionally packaged upside down for easy access to the product, and the integration of yin and yang imagery into the front-of-package design enables the “mouth” of the upside-down corkscrew to form the shape of a spaceship that takes off from a beer bottle.

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