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Egotree Nootropics

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    B-03 Packaging
  • Applicant Company
    nomo creative co., ltd. / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Egotree Co., Ltd. / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    nomo®creative / Taiwan
  • Designer
    Yu Chien Lin , Chi Tai Lin , Wei Yun Kan & Allison Hsiao

The combination of the ego and tree in brand identity, started from the exercise of spherical energy body. By capturing the process of brain, transferring the floating, the bumping, the gathering and dispersing of energy into a symbol, and further extending the concept of the package. Constructing the unique graphics of capsule, one (zone) and two (still), in addition to conveying the abstract experience of the product.

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