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URA210 Lower Limb Rehabilitation Trainer-1 URA210 Lower Limb Rehabilitation Trainer-2 URA210 Lower Limb Rehabilitation Trainer-3 URA210 Lower Limb Rehabilitation Trainer-4 URA210 Lower Limb Rehabilitation Trainer-5

URA210 Lower Limb Rehabilitation Trainer

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    A-13 Healthcare and beauty
  • Applicant Company
    Hangzhou RoboCT Technology Development Co.,Ltd / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Hangzhou RoboCT Technology Development Co.,Ltd / China
  • Design Company
    Hangzhou RoboCT Technology Development Co.,Ltd / China
  • Designer
    Hai Yan , Tian Wang , Cong Li , Lei Jing & Da-Gang Liu

URA lower limb rehabilitation trainer is an intelligent medical product that provides active and passive training to solve the problems of lower limb rehabilitation after hip and knee joint surgery and hemiplegia. It is based on orthopedic clinical problems, by driving the user's lower limbs for repeated, efficient training, stimulate muscle, ligament, blood circulation, effectively achieve basic motor remodeling.

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