ArmMotus EMU 3D Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryA-13 Healthcare and beauty
Applicant CompanyShanghai Fourier Intelligence Co., Ltd. / China
Manufacturer / Business OwnerShanghai Fourier Intelligence Co., Ltd. / China
Design CompanyShanghai Fourier Intelligence Co., Ltd. / China
DesignerWang Chao , Sun jiajun , Yang Zhihao & Zhao Li
ArmMotus EMU is indicated for neurological- and musculoskeletal-induced arm motor dysfunction. Adjustable motor assistance for different rehab needs. Innovative cable-driven mechanism with dual aluminium capstan and carbon fibre parallel linkage to minimise frictions and inertia during motion in 3D space. The compliant and smooth assistance mimics therapist’s hand. Incorporate games for motivation
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