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#HBLTable-1 #HBLTable-2 #HBLTable-3 #HBLTable-4


  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    A-05 Home furniture
  • Applicant Company
    Chemistry Team Pte Ltd / Singapore
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Tri-Wall (Asia) Pte Ltd / Singapore
  • Design Company
    Chemistry Team Pte Ltd / Singapore
  • Designer
    John Chan , Teo Kiah Sheng , Christian Sng & Scott Lee

The COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly forced schools worldwide to implement Home Based Learning (HBL) due to countries going into lockdown and quarantine. Chemistry Team thus developed the #HBLTable, a height adjustable cardboard table meant for underprivileged families that struggle with space and the necessary furnishing to facilitate conducive learning for their children at home.

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