Attentive Defender V81
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryHome appliances
Applicant CompanyGuangdong HOTATA Technology Group Co.,Ltd. / China
Manufacturer / Business OwnerGuangdong HOTATA Technology Group Co.,Ltd. / China
Design CompanyGuangdong HOTATA Technology Group Co.,Ltd. / China
Design background: With the growing demand for smart locks in the rapidly expanding smart home market, people are now seeking not only for safety but also for aesthetics, practicality, and user experience.
Design features or advantages: The V81 series smart lock is designed as a "Attentive Defender" with an integrated AG glass panel and sleek lines that balance toughness and sophistication. It offers a caring and intelligent security experience inside and out, with a flat-panel design that minimizes the camera's visibility and provides privacy protection. Additionally, the series offers special features like a screen visual cat's eye, fingerprint and face recognition unlocking, which is especially suitable for the elderly and children.
Innovation breakthrough: The series uses integrated light-matte AG glass that allows users to visually distinguish functional areas by contrasting smooth and matte textures, and prevents fingerprints from accumulating in high-touch areas. Also, the anti-pinch component of the series is designed to be easily perceived by users on the front, providing additional safety protection.
Social significance: The caring design of the V81 series smart lock emphasizes the importance of home security and privacy protection, making it socially significant for the development of the smart lock market and user safety.