Crayon recycle plan
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryOffice and stationery products
Applicant CompanyEverydayishappybirthday / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business Ownereverydayishappybirthday / Taiwan
Design CompanyEverydayishappaybirthday / Taiwan
Deepecology = eco-friendly + eco-love
All life on Earth has equal value.
The well-being of human and nonhuman life on earth has intrinsic value regardless of its value to humans. Biodiversity is essential for the processes that support all life on Earth in healthy ecosystems.
There are many lives born every minute.
Every day is happy birthday.
The main aim of living an eco-friendly lifestyle is to make greener and more responsible choices. Therefore, we try to
balance the world psychologically and physiological via art and aesthetic power.
Journey of a thousands miles begins with single step. Better late than never:)
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