ADM Undergraduates Prospectus 2021/2022
CategoryCommunication Design
Applicant CompanyFACTORY / Singapore
Manufacturer / Business OwnerNanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media / Singapore
Design CompanyFACTORY / Singapore
The Fourth industrial revolution is characterised by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. It also brings renewed focus on how arts and culture are critical in formulating the advancement of society and mankind. Tasked with designing the ADM Undergraduates Prospectus 2021/2022 (a yearly publication published by the Nanyang Technological University's School of Art, Design and Media introducing their Design Art and Media Art programmes), we wanted to echo the college's position in grooming the next generation with the powerful tools to enact meaningful change in this new world.
This issue features an expressive computer generated module we designed that represents the diversity of ways in which art and design can impact technology and society. A quadrant is 3D printed onto every cover; juxtaposing how each student has the potential to be a part of this movement. The result is sophisticated, emotive, and stunning to the eye. In today's fast paced digital world where print is fading in relevancy, this is a brilliant example of how the boundaries of print can be pushed; with the incorporating of 3D printing and offset printing to bring forth a tactile experience to readers that is unmatched, and quite un-replicable otherwise.
Through our efforts, a simple prospectus becomes not just a reading material, but it becomes a collectible; one that inspires the next generation of creatives to want to pursue this academic and career path.