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2022 National University and College Athletic Games Ident Promo-1 2022 National University and College Athletic Games Ident Promo-2 2022 National University and College Athletic Games Ident Promo-3 2022 National University and College Athletic Games Ident Promo-4 2022 National University and College Athletic Games Ident Promo-5

2022 National University and College Athletic Games Ident Promo

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    B-06 Animation
  • Applicant Company
    27 Design Co., Ltd. / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
  • Design Company
    27 Design Co., Ltd.
 / Taiwan

The theme of the National University and College Athletic Games in Taiwan in 2022 is adapted from the popular story "The Tortoise and The Hare ''. This not only breaks the stereotypes of the past, but also corresponds to the spirit of the Athletic Games to go beyond the limits and challenge themselves.

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