Formula Chiayi
CategoryIntegration Design
SubCategorySocial design
Applicant CompanyOrdinary Editorial Room, Ltd. / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerChiayi City Government / Taiwan
Design CompanyOrdinary Editorial Room, Ltd. / Taiwan
The annual innovative initiative called "+1+1+1 = Formula Chiayi" cleverly plays on the homophonic sounds of "Chiayi" and "+1," symbolizing the continuous growth of the city through the accumulation of people and culture. This project invites individuals from diverse backgrounds, both locals and outsiders, to gain insights into and reinterpret Chiayi's folk culture, the coffee industry, and local literature. Through this process, we activate venues closely intertwined with these three elements.
For instance, in the domain of "folk customs," the team has launched the "Zhongyuan Pudu Dining Table" event. They engage performing arts groups from external regions to dance within the historical Chiayi East Market during folk festivals. By blending traditional banquets offered by local vendors with contemporary market settings, we create new possibilities for traditional folk customs and historically significant venues.
Within the "culinary" sphere, our team has initiated the "Chiayi Coffee Experiment " project, which collaborates with both local and out-of-town cafes to craft unique beverages and signature dishes inspired by Chiayi's local environment, history, and culture. These delectable creations authentically capture the flavors of the region, enticing numerous visitors to seek out these culinary delights.
Lastly, in the realm of "literature," the team has launched the "Local Literary Course" project. They invite renowned writers to reside in the city and conduct lectures at local independent bookstores. These writers share their perspectives on interpreting local life through literature and contribute to the creation of a new discourse for this city in the contemporary era. "+1+1+1 = Formula Chiayi" introduces fresh perspectives on local revitalization.