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Smart spine surgery assistance system

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    Healthcare and beauty
  • Applicant Company
    Metal Industries R&D Centre / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Metal Industries Research & Development Centre / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    NDD Design、Award-Design Integration Studio / Taiwan

The integration of sophisticated optical technology not only shortens the operation time to 3 hours but also reduces the number of X-rays taken by 80%, which improves the success rate of operations and reduces the number of radiation risks for medical staff and patients. Furthermore, using the AI ​path also automatically guides the robotic arm, which can automatically avoid obstacles and move to the planned position. As a result, the end effector of the robotic arm maintains a proper surgical posture and position, reduces the risk of manual drilling alignment, and shortens the operation time by 60% and this technology has been tested mainly in IRCAD and will continue to aim at improving medical quality and precision medicine in the future.
In response to the "2030 Sustainable Development Goals" of the United Nations, we hope that the technology developed improves the accuracy and success rate of surgery, reduces death and risk, and brings good health and well-being to people. Furthermore, in terms of enhancing the quality of education, combining precision medicine and technology can improve medical quality and medical development. In addition, industrial innovation and infrastructure improvement can also promote inclusive and sustainable therapy. Finally, continue strengthening sustainable development and integrating global partnerships with medical and technology development.

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