Genetic Sequencer DNBSEQ-G99
CategoryProduct Design
SubCategoryHealthcare and beauty
Applicant CompanyMGI Tech Co., Ltd. / China
Manufacturer / Business OwnerMGI Tech Co., Ltd. / China
Design CompanyMGI Tech Co., Ltd. / China
Gene sequencing has driven technological innovation in scientific research and medicine, and has improved the efficiency of diagnosing infectious diseases, tumors, and genetic disorders. It can also provide high-quality solutions for research directions such as gene bank construction, disease diagnosis, and biotechnology. The development direction of sequencer industry worldwide is focused on optimizing two aspects: ultra-fast sequencing speed and ultra-low cost. However, there are still few products currently available for rapid sequencing technology suitable for clinical rapid testing with a PE100 <24 hours. For fields sensitive to sequencing time and cost, such as tumors and pathogens, instruments that combine low cost, ultra-fast sequencing speed, and high data quality will enter the market with a huge advantage. G99 is the only model of small and medium-sized high-throughput sequencers that has a dual-cartridge operating mode, and it is also one of the fastest sequencers. With a brand-new reagent device design, card-type sequencing cartridge design, and UI visual operation process, the operator only needs to press one button and follow the animation guide for the entire process to avoid missing critical steps. The device supports three flexible on-board modes and can run different numbers of cartridges according to the sample quantity, improving the flexibility and work efficiency. By comprehensively optimizing core systems such as cartridges, fluids, optics, and temperature control, the device can achieve the ultimate improvement in sequencing efficiency, quality, and delivery capacity, actively responding to COVID-19 testing and prevention.