New Taipei City WJS Marathon 2023
CategoryCommunication Design
Applicant CompanyPOM (Project On Museum) / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerSports Office, New Taipei City Government / Taiwan
Design CompanyPOM (Project On Museum) / Taiwan
The New Taipei City WJS Marathon is Taiwan's most iconic marathon event. The slogan of 2023, "WHAT'S NEXT!?下一萬步”, embodies the spirit of athletes continuously running forward and embracing challenges, while also reflecting the event's commitment as a green marathon. It encourages participants to define their own "NEXT(steps)" towards personal and environmental sustainability.
The campaign aims to attract younger audience, with "event rebranding" and "making visual identity for younger TA" as the goals of desing productions. We developed a "modular" visual system tailored to different stages of marketing.
During the registration phase, we presented illustrations with bold styling and color schemes, complemented by typographic posters. When designing the typography for the slogan "the next ten thousand steps", we incorporated elements such as "road markings", "first-person perspective", and "speed lines" to create a visually dynamic and spatial chinese typeface, symbolizing the idea of continuously running.
In the second phase, the event's prelude period, we released a storytelling-driven visual featuring a series of images showcasing the runners' postures and emotional tension, reinforcing the audience's understanding of the slogan and the spirit of the event.
During the event execution phase, we released an animation and also integrated the previously mentioned illustrations, typography, and images into various productions, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive visual identity.
By integrating various design tools, we have established a complete and versatile visual system, laying the foundation for the rebranding plan of New Taipei City WJS Marathon.