More Than a Box
CategorySpatial Design
SubCategoryResidential space
Applicant CompanyINDOT DESIGN / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerMr.Gao / Taiwan
Design CompanyINDOT DESIGN / Taiwan
Inside a space that’s roughly 50 square meters, we placed a wooden box that carries the sleeping and working needs of the owners, who are a married couple. This space can be in a state that’s either one-bedroom or two-bedroom, using glass sliding doors and folding doors to separate the private space.
The owners change their minds quite often, so even though this floor area is not large by any means, there were still lots of discussions going back and forth regarding the design. For a while, a finalized consensus couldn’t be reached because the owners expressed their dislike for a monotonous lifestyle (and a run-of-the-mill layout).
In the end, we decided to keep the public space as a blank space, using movable furniture to define the space while satisfying the owners’ need for future uncertainty and changeability. When the furniture is removed, the boundary between the living room and the dining room becomes blurred, and in the future, the furniture can be replaced, and configuration adjusted, according to the needs of the owners.
As there’s not a lot of floor area to work with, the design aims to not reduce the inferior space any further. Thus, we concentrated all the storage on one side of the entrance wall and reorganized the kitchen space, so that even a small floor area can be maximized for its use of space.