QUEEN SHOP Lifestore
CategorySpatial Design
SubCategoryRetail space
Applicant Companychūxiàng / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerQUEEN SHOP / Taiwan
Design Companychūxiàng / Taiwan
Rigidity and softness and straight lines and curves are the depiction of the space. The original brick wall is deliberately preserved to achieve a harmonious contrast with the neat woodwork, and the spatial elements are simplified and used in different forms to show the spatial characteristics. The whole room retains the original raw black iron and plywood, without unnecessary decoration, so that the space returns to purity. The actual and virtual space between the cylinder and the block offers a peek into all the appearances of the space with different orientations. The stairway runs through the first to the third floor as the main visual guide. The giant vertical plywood board runs through the three floors, extending the theme of space elements to each floor. The color tone of three floors is different from one another, and the light-dark contrast defines each space and divides the generation of different behavior patterns. The space elements and shapes are simplified and leave some blanks so that users in interaction leave more of their own interpretations