Porosity | Computational Bamboo
CategorySpatial Design
SubCategoryTemporary building
Applicant CompanyROSOart / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerTaiwan Bamboo Society / Taiwan
Design CompanyROSO / Taiwan
This design project focuses on the feasibility of using a hybrid composite material made of bamboo and glass fibers to design and build freeform thin shells. The project employs computational design and digital manufacturing tools. The aim is to create a unique appearance for bamboo structures, moving away from the conventional truss-like structures made from bamboo poles as the primary construction elements.
In the part of material research, through the investigation of relevant literature, this design work carried out the research on the bamboo composite materials of glued bamboo and glass fiber materials, in order to improve the properties, ductility and bonding strength of the materials. In the part of computational design, an algorithm for automatic generation of surface segmentation, flattening, and joining points with units is developed, and the structure analysis software is used to analyze the mechanical differences before and after the bamboo sheet is added to the glass fiber material.