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Ganko Sushi, Singapore-1 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-2 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-3 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-4 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-5 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-6 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-7 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-8 Ganko Sushi, Singapore-9

Ganko Sushi, Singapore

  • Category
    Spatial Design
  • SubCategory
    C-03 Dining space
  • Applicant Company
    JG PHOENIX / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Mr. Ye / Singapore
  • Design Company
    JG PHOENIX / China

The spatial design of this project is based on the understanding of Japanese food culture and the brand's concepts.
Ganko Sushi is a restaurant brand that offers Omakase dining experience. Its name "Ganko", which translates to "stubborn", implies the brand's persistent pursuit of quality food and services. The designer considered the culture of traditional Japanese cuisine and the philosophy they hoped to convey in the space. The material textures reveals ingenuity in design and detailing.

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