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Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-1 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-2 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-3 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-4 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-5 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-6 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-7 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-8 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-9 Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant-10

Roaming Dune - Pin Restaurant

  • Category
    Spatial Design
  • SubCategory
    C-03 Dining space
  • Applicant Company
    PADSTUDIO / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Pin Restaurant / China
  • Design Company
    PADSTUDIO / China
  • Designer
    Ma-Xuexin & Ma-Hongfeng

Pin Restaurant is a western restaurant specializing in steak and red wine. The project is located in a 450-square-meter space on the second floor of a commercial complex in Shantou City, Guangdong Province. The client hopes that the entire space can have a flexible open dining area and The bar area and several semi-enclosed relatively independent dining spaces also require a kitchen space of 75 square meters.

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