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Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation-1 Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation-2 Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation-3 Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation-4 Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation-5

Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    Corporate and brand identity
  • Applicant Company
    studiowmw / Hong Kong
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Asian Film Awards Academy / Hong Kong
  • Design Company
    studiowmw / Hong Kong

The project emphasizes integrity and unified visual impact. Each country is represented by a unique color, enriching the overall aesthetic. The vivid yet straightforward HK elements enhance the project's recognizability. The range of colors on the promotional materials symbolizes the distinct regional hues of the films. The unique packaging method not only captures the audience's attention but also encourages collection, thereby enhancing publicity.

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