Rug Pull Frens
CategoryCommunication Design
SubCategoryB-09 Applications
Applicant CompanyBank of Culture / Taiwan
Manufacturer / Business OwnerBank of Culture (C& Lab) / Taiwan
Design CompanyBank of Culture / Taiwan
DesignerChi Ching Wang , Wei-Hsuan Yang , Sam Chang , Swi Chen , Yu-Chih Wang , Chien-Hui Hu , BlackHole Creative & Virsody , ARTOGO
The world's first NFT that allows avatars to change color, name and create stories. Artist Raimochi depicts the hacker culture of the blockchain, creating 2000 animal doll heads and accessories that are programmed to generate hundreds of millions of combinations of variations. The work incorporates the spirit of decentralization, using NFT technology to return the final definition of the work to the people, allowing people to freely create their own anonymous identities in the virtual world.