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Xun Song Typeface-1

Xun Song Typeface

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    B-05 Font design
  • Applicant Company
    Shenzhen HOHA Culture Media Co., Ltd / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Zihao Font Design Studio / China
  • Design Company
    Shenzhen HOHA Culture Media Co., Ltd / China
  • Designer
    Xia Yuanzhao

The design idea comes from imitation Song-Dynasty-style typeface. The typeface has the kinetic potential of pen writing but it is different the traditional imitation Song-Dynasty-style typeface. The horizontal strokes are straight but not oblique. The thickness of horizontal strokes is uniform. The front of the stroke is sharp. Hardness and softness complement each other between strokes. The font structure is rigorous, beautiful and elegant.

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