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2022 Next Art Tainan: The Secret of Art World-1 2022 Next Art Tainan: The Secret of Art World-2 2022 Next Art Tainan: The Secret of Art World-3 2022 Next Art Tainan: The Secret of Art World-4 2022 Next Art Tainan: The Secret of Art World-5

2022 Next Art Tainan: The Secret of Art World

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
    B-01 Corporate and brand identity
  • Applicant Company
    Maomaoyu Design / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Tainan City Government / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    Maomaoyu Design / Taiwan
  • Designer
    Chunghuai Mao , Yutao Chou & Yuhan Tseng

The project is an identity for the exhibition of 2022 Next Art Tainan, and this year is inspired by how mosses play a vital role in the development of natural ecosystems as this award to talented artists in this city. We created the pixelated image and edited real photos of mosses to convey the function of mosses in the forest, as a web to connect interdependent lives.

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